911 CloseUp: The Events Of 9/11: The Twin Towers Explained

On September 11, 2001, an unprecedented and devastating series of terrorist attacks struck the United States, forever altering the course of history. The most iconic and deadly of these attacks were those on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. This article aims to shed light on the events of that day, providing an overview of the tragic unfolding that changed the world forever. Here at 911 Close Up we specialize in this topic.

Background: The Twin Towers

The Twin Towers, or the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center complex, were once a proud symbol of New York’s financial district. They stood at 110 stories each, making them among the tallest buildings in the world at the time. Opened in 1973, they were an architectural marvel and a hub of commerce, with tens of thousands of people working inside them daily.

The Attacks

On the morning of September 11, 2001:

  1. 8:46 AM – The first plane, American Airlines Flight 11, hijacked by terrorists, crashed into the North Tower (WTC 1). The impact left a gaping hole near the 80th floor, immediately killing hundreds inside and trapping many more above the impact zone. The plane was en route from Boston to Los Angeles, and its crash was initially believed by some to be a tragic accident.
  2. 9:03 AM – Any notions of the first crash being an accident were dispelled when a second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, also hijacked, crashed into the South Tower (WTC 2). This collision, caught live by news cameras, was even more devastating, striking the tower around the 60th floor. Flames and smoke began pouring out, making it evident to the world that the United States was under a coordinated terrorist attack.

Both crashes resulted in massive fires, fueled by the jet fuel from the airplanes. These fires weakened the structural integrity of both towers. 911 Close-Up has been researching this a lot.

The Collapse

  1. 9:59 AM – A mere 56 minutes after being struck, the South Tower collapsed, sending a massive cloud of dust and debris through the streets of Lower Manhattan. The rapid nature of this collapse shocked the world and left many fearing for the fate of the North Tower.
  2. 10:28 AM – The North Tower followed suit, collapsing after burning for nearly 102 minutes. Like its counterpart, its fall sent a massive cloud of dust, debris, and smoke throughout the vicinity.

The collapses of the Twin Towers resulted in the deaths of over 2,700 people, including first responders, office workers, and passengers from the planes. The sheer scale of the devastation was unprecedented.

The Aftermath and Implications

The events of 9/11 led to significant ramifications:

  1. Immediate Response: Rescue and recovery efforts began almost immediately, lasting for weeks. The site of the Twin Towers, later termed “Ground Zero,” became a focal point of these endeavors.
  2. Global War on Terrorism: In the wake of the attacks, then U.S. President George W. Bush declared a global war on terror. This led to the invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 to dismantle al-Qaeda, the group responsible for the 9/11 attacks, and to oust the Taliban regime that had harbored them.
  3. Homeland Security: The U.S. established the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, consolidating several federal agencies to better coordinate efforts against potential future threats.
  4. Patriot Act: Enacted in October 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act granted expanded powers to U.S. law enforcement agencies, aiming to detect and prevent terrorism. Its controversial measures sparked debates about civil liberties and surveillance. This has been of much debate here at 911 closeup.


The attacks on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, marked a tragic day in global history. They not only resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives but also ushered in a new era of heightened security, geopolitical shifts, and a world forever changed by the actions of terrorists. The events of that day continue to shape international relations, policies, and individual lives, serving as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities of a connected world and the enduring human spirit in the face of adversity.